
Our Mission

The mission of the Talent-Centered Education Leadership Initiative (TECLI) is to promote, sustain and retain not only improved representation, but engagement and inclusion for underrepresented and marginalized groups (e.g., based gender, ethnicity, disability, geography, etc.) to unlock the potential of our society through talent development and research. 


TCELI has launched Talent development and learning opportunities that draw on decades of academic, professional, and practitioner-based experiences of our nationally respected members, coupled with cutting edge research and practice, to produce powerful learning opportunities and strategies in the area of workplace inclusion and excellence.


TCELI staff and faculty fellows are available to work with institutions, departments, and programs on research and assessment initiatives related to equity, diversity, and inclusion. We take local, national, and international clients and can engage in both in-person and virtual work. Consultation arrangements are made on a case-by-case basis, as we aim to cater our services to the unique needs of each client. Below is a brief list of TCELI consultation services:

Using quantitative and qualitative methods to better understand aspects of campus climate and institutional culture

Designing program assessment processes and related tools

Conducting academic or co-curricular program audit/evaluation

Conducting needs assessments and making recommendations

Leading strategic planning processes